Care Coordination and Technology Congress

It Has to Be About the Patient

This Congress was an assembly of seven summits. These included: Care Coordination and Transitions, Connected Health: RPM and Telehealth, Bundled Payment, ACO Population Health Management, Merit-Bases Incentive Payment System (MIPS), Health Plan Chronic Disease Management, Provider Strategies on Community Health and Social Determinants of Health.

Time of Many Languages

It Has to Be About the Patient

I consider the present phase of health care the time of Babylon, the time of many languages; the next the enlightenment where the healthcare communities look outside of their comfortable boundaries to understand context. The next is the phase of modernity where the high dimensions inherent to HCn3D are presented to all players in simple understandable ways.

Episode of Care Tenncare

It Has to Be About the Patient

As a local State program, Tenncare under the leadership of The Medical Director Dr. Vaughn Frigon, with the assistance of the McKinsey consulting team, has demonstrated exemplary success and is a model for other Medicaid programs. The secret of their success has been careful physician engagement in episode details, due to given the design of the State of Tennessee's program, and transparency of information. Given the success of the episodes program, the question arises of what can be done next?

Pyramid of Value

It Has to Be About the Patient

An important game changing article that puts Value in a new light is in the NEJM Dec 21, 2017 issue by Green and Loscalzo. The title is "Putting the Patient Back Together - Social Medicine, Network Medicine, and the Limits of Reductionism". Many widely known and emergent tools are explained that can bear on the current understanding of Value in the healthcare context. Most importantly this article shows how holistic patient centered approaches are not only cool, but doable and can be effective in achieving a broad range of goals on behalf of patients and populations.

The PCMH is the Key.

It Has to Be About the Patient

I will be presenting the “Pyramid of Value” in the Poster Hall of the 2017 PCMH Congress, November 3rd & 4th, Regency Ballroom, Hyatt Orlando Florida.


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